I wore this to work....Thursday? Thursday started out a good day and then went downhill. We're starting to have some problems with my son at school...and he's only in preschool! ;_; Academically he does great but socially...he's having troubles (quick to rise to anger etc). As a mom i just want to immediately fix whatever problem there is for him but obviously this is not something i can change overnight. We're doing quite a few things at home to help but if anyone else has suggestions/has went through this with their child i would love to hear them!
*deep breath* Alright, back to the outfit! How fun is this skirt? It's yet another awesome thrift find that i am selling but i had to wear it to work at least once. And the shirt is sheer with a neat Victorian (right? correct me if i'm wrong) print that is in velvet.
And of course, more photos + info can be found on my blog. ;)
Thanks for looking (and reading)!