I wore the green sweater i added chains to, to work on Monday. I wanted to get a picture with my hand on my hip so you could see the chains drape better but my camera died before i got a chance. :( Another time i guess!
The second outfit it what i'm wearing today. As you can see we got some snow fall but it really isn't too cold outside! Yay! I'm so done with winter. >.>
Also! I have a blog now. @_@ I decided to make a place where the things i make on Etsy, the things i sell on Ebay and the outfits i wear all meet up. I would love for you to follow it if you would like because so far almost no one is. XD It's so lonely. http://nickichicki-nickichicki.blogspot.com
Thanks for looking and as always feel free to make any comment that pops into your pretty little heads!