WIW - Naughty, naughty

I feel on a whole the forum enjoys my work looks more than my casual summer looks because my shorts are...short so hopefully sharing these will be ok! Not that anyone ever said anything negative to me! Quiet the opposite. I"m just feeling 90s fashion and getting a little "grunge" in my casual clothes where as obviously my work attire needs to be more polished.

Picture 1: I cut, distressed, sewed and dyed these shorts last summer and i love how they turned out! I took my dressier shirt from the last outfit i showed and paired it with some more rugged, edgy pieces. Plus suspenders (or braces!). This is really "me" right now and one of my fav outfits i've put together for the summer.

Picture 2: Worn today. Again, really loving the 90s comeback right now. I've had this plaid shirt in my closet forever, quite abandoned and today it was perfect! I wish i had a black suede fringe bag to go with it but i guess that will have to wait until i'm shopping again.

Thanks for looking!

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  • cheryle (Dianthus) replied 12 years ago

    I like both but particularly the red shorts. Love the color and even though I am pushing 50, I like shorter shorts.

    Both are cute looks.

  • catgirl replied 12 years ago

    Wow, those first shorts are an amazing color! What dye did you use? I have no problem with short shorts done right, and you are too adorable not to wear them while you can!

  • K. Period. replied 12 years ago

    Love love love the Fosse crossed with Clockwork Orange vibe of the first one. Fantastic! The second is great. I'm feeling very Bumbershoot flash backy!

    (LOL because checked back and Anna said exactly what I'd written and deleted. Docs or combat boots mandatory.)

  • annagybe replied 12 years ago

    I love my short shorts, it's just too dang cold right now for them. I like #1 better. #2 is too literal for me and I'm having flashbacks (though for full 90's you'd need Docs).

    ETA your boots remind me of these


  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    Nicole - you can rock the short shorts honey, so go for it! These are such fun and fab outfits. Casual done right!

  • Deborah replied 12 years ago

    Nicole I love your shorts outfits and probably just a bit envious that you rock this look and its probably beyond me lol. #1 has quite a bit of polish to it and I love it, but #2 is just a 10 on the cool scale.

  • DonnaF replied 12 years ago

    Nicole; please, please don't apologize! You CAN wear short shorts, and you know how to style them so you don't look trashy. You are far from the MDAL age so enjoy this look before cellulite, jiggles, jounces, wrinkles, spider veins, and random blotches make it not so attractive.

  • Isabel replied 12 years ago

    You crack me up ! You look great. And yes, I am not a Daisy Dukes fan...but seriously, you tone it down with everything else and I can appreciate that !

  • christieanne replied 12 years ago

    I think your shorts (kind of like Rae's and Anna's) are balanced with other pieces that take the va va voom out of the shortness of the shorts. The tops are polished (and not highlighting the upper body) and the shoes are edgy. And as long as you got it, flaunt those legs.

  • Tanya replied 12 years ago

    Love both outfits Nicole! You look very modern. You should totally rock short shorts as you totally pull them of. I would if I could wear them as well as you do.

  • sarah replied 12 years ago

    Nicole, if I could wear short shorts the way you do, I would never apologize. You can totally pull it off, girl, so go for it. You look dynamite.

  • ironkurtin replied 12 years ago

    I am so making short shorts right this second. Where do they ideally hit on the leg to maximize sexy curves? Anyone know?

  • rae replied 12 years ago

    Welcome to the short shorts club! I feared everyone would dislike mine, too, but I think we are both safe for now. Impressed by your efforts on the dyed shorts - curious to know what on earth they looked like before all the cutting, sewing and dying!

  • ManidipaM replied 12 years ago

    Like Rae, I want a 'before' picture for those fab plummy pants!

    I love the second outfit even more. Cool casual look with *dark* shorts + suede + plenty of non-ditsy pattern = LOVE!

  • Beth Ann replied 12 years ago

    You look great, Deborah! I'm partial to outfit #2, which I find deliciously retro without being costumey. I so appreciate that their all women of all ages on this forum. I love seeing women older than I am looking vibrant and amazing -- they give me something to look forward to you. In the younger women, I gain a fresh set of eyes. New silhouettes and color palettes that I retired that are cycling again (mint green, plaid shirts, anyone). Keep having fun with fashion!

  • cciele replied 12 years ago

    Please keep posting more casual looks! I love seeing how your style shines through both these aspects of your life. And I too am a fan of short shorts. Even though I've been told they are not age appropriate, I'm at the point where I figure I might as well enjoy wearing them when I can (in the appropriate setting, of course).

  • Kiwichik replied 12 years ago

    Shorts suit you. Like these casual looks.

  • celia replied 12 years ago

    Oh no, I enjoy your short looks, I just can't wear them myself :(
    The first look is amazing ,IMO.

  • replied 12 years ago

    Nicole, you have youth and cute legs on your side, so rock your short shorts, sister! I especially love the first look. The second look is making me want to rent that old movie "Singles."

  • nicoleb replied 12 years ago

    Thanks for the support ladies. I appreciate it. ;)

    Una - I just used Rit dye in Red. The shorts were originally a light blue and....maroon is the color they turned! I'd be lying if i said i had gotten that shade intentionally but i was very pleased with the results! :D

    Anna - I love those Chloe boots! I've seen Jeffrey Campbell AND Forever 21 knock offs of them but didn't get my hands on either. But i also probably don't really need them since i have these...

    ironkurtin - i don't know but when i'm making cut offs from an old pair of jeans or what have you i always cut them at an angle rather than straight across. So they're a tad bit higher up on your outer thigh than inner.

    Rae - I know i should of taken a before picture right? I'm hoping to make some more this year so i will have to remember then. But basically they just looked like a pair of light blue high waisted levi jeans. ;)

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