WIW - Peplum, colored jeans, lots of texture.

Catching up on some WIW's from this week and last so far. I seem to have caught a cold since Sunday but i'm trying to ignore it (while still going to bed on time.).

Pic #1 is what i wore on a family zoo outing! I love zoos. This one (Como for you MN ladies) also has lots of neat plants and beautiful flowers to look at as well. I could momentarily pretend like i was on vacation in the tropics. XD

Pic 2-3 was worn to work. My new studded peplum top! You guys might remember i was on the fence about this but for whatever reason adding a skinny belt really sold me on it. I look forward to more experimentation with this shirt.

Pic 4-6 Was worn yesterday. I've worn this outfit quite a bit to work already but i've never had time to take a picture!

Thanks for looking! Any comment you can dream up is welcome!
More photos and where my clothes are from: http://nickichicki-nickichicki.blogspot.com

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  • ManidipaM replied 12 years ago

    As always, SUPER stylish Nicole WIWs!

    I'm so sold on all the textures of #5-6, and you really rock this black and cobalt combo, don't you? Such terrific fun pattern-mixing in #1, and I can't believe you managed to match your sunnies to your belt for #2-3! Awesome. Loving the 'RATE-ed up lady' vibe of the peplum with the leather jacket --- that's a rock-star of an outfit!

  • sarah replied 12 years ago

    Nicole, you were about 3 blocks from my house when you were at the Conservatory!

    I love your pattern and texture mixing. You are really a master of it. And I agree with you about the skinny belt. It really makes the outfit. You look FABulous, as always!

  • Sara L. replied 12 years ago

    I like all these outfits! I especially like the blue and black pairings. I need to try that since I have a lot of cobalt blue but always struggle with what to wear it with.

  • Angie replied 12 years ago

    You are Queen Maximal Adorable Sophisticate!

  • Transcona Shannon replied 12 years ago

    That studded peplum top is fab on you Nicole! I love it with the belt - looking forward to seeing many more outfits with it!

    That's quite the title that Angie has bestowed on you - and totally deserved! Your style is AMAZING!

  • Sylvia replied 12 years ago

    You are rocking the blue and black. Love all of these outfits on you!

  • Ana replied 12 years ago

    Whoa. I love all these outfits, Nicole! I think #4 is my favorite. That blue lacy skirt plus the striped cardigan is amazing!

  • morethanbeige replied 12 years ago

    3 fabulous outfits! I love the peplum top on you and the pattern mixing in 1,4,5,6 makes me smile! Adorable as ever!

  • nicoleb replied 12 years ago

    ManidipaM - Yes i do seem to rock blue and black QUITE a bit and it's never even on purpose i swear! It just...happens? I guess i know what i like lol. Thank you for your super sweet comments! :)

    sarah - Seriously?! I should of stopped by for lunch! XD

    Sara L. - Yes i love cobalt with blacks, greys and whites. Good luck with yours!

    Angie - wow Queen Maximal Adorable Sophisticate? That's quite a title! Thank you! :D

    Shannon - thank you so much!!

    Sylvia - thank you!

    Ana - #4 is my favorite too. ;) Thank you!

    morethanbeige - thanks, you're sweet :*

  • rachylou replied 12 years ago

    I LOVE your heart belt with the peplum top. And best use of a lacy skirt I've seen yet!

  • replied 12 years ago

    You are so stinkin' adorable!!! Those Lolita sunglasses with the heart-studded belt. . . so fab! I love the way you mix patterns and textures. Skulls with stripes. . . who knew? Perfect!

  • kellygirl replied 12 years ago

    Agreeing with everyone! You are SO flipping adorable and sophisticated and fun! LOVE every one of these. You can do no wrong : )

  • Mo replied 12 years ago

    I agree that adding the skinny belt makes all the difference on your peplum top! Good call. Love the blue skinnies and scarf combo for the zoo, too.

  • Jaime replied 12 years ago

    That is how to do a peplum top! Love the mix of patterns and textures in the last outfit also.

  • Jonesy replied 12 years ago

    You look fab! I love all of the different textures and subtle patterns, and the blue and black are so fab together. You are rockin' the peplum!!

  • Beth Ann replied 12 years ago

    Studded peplum? Really? How amazing is that! Love the proportions in the peplum outfit -- such a modern way to wear this look. Love your use of cobalt, too!

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